
Crayon options can be found in Rhino options.



Brush Size
The default brush size.
Default Brush Colour
The colour of the brush when starting Rhino.

Cursor Settings

Cursor Colour
Sets the colour of the brush cursor.
Brush Size Lower Limit
The smallest brush size allowable.
Brush Size Upper Limit
The largest brush size allowable.

Brush Behaviour

Allow Z Snap
When shift is held down and the brush is in snap mode, enables or disables snapping in the Z direction.
Projection Dynamic Depth
If enabled the stroke will be draw starting from the current point beneath the cursor.
Projection Offset
If draw on surface is enabled, the stroke will be offset towards the view by this amount.
Projected View Draw Distance
If draw on view is enabled, the distance the strokes will be drawn away from the camera.

Bake Behaviour

Simplify curves
If enabled the amnount of control points on the baked curve will be reduced by the specified percentage.
Reduce by x percent
The percentage to reduce curve control points by.

License Info

If Crayon is not activated, clicking activate will ask for a serial key. Otherwise the user's license information will be displayed here.