
Left Click Tools

1 Draw Click and drag to start drawing. ShiftClick to draw a line. Hold Shift to snap along the CPlane axis.
2 Eraser Click and drag to start erasing. Or in brush mode, hold CTRL down while clicking and dragging.
3 Colour Click to choose a colour. Alt+Click to sample a colour in the viewport.
4 Projection Choose to project on the view, CPlane or geometry.
5 Display Toggles crayon display.
6 Capture Saves the current view to a jpg, stored in the active file's folder.
7 Bake Adds all strokes to the document as curves, hatches, or background image.
8 Clear Clears the drawing.

Right Click Tools

9 Draw Order Toggles stroke draw order. Draw normally or in front of all geometry.
10 Load Capture Choose a previously captured jpg to restore its view.
11 Instant Bake If instant bake is enabled, strokes are immediately added to the document.